For women,buying bags cause bag's gorgeous looking,It's not applied for men.Use it for holding thing is all the men looking for. Leaving pack at home and dress lightly when hang out with someone is probably men's best wish! However,It's no cool for men that wallet,phone,ipad,kindle,power bank stuffed into our pants pockets!your shoulder and back is belong to your girlfriend rather than your backpack .All I looking for is a magical bags that is features mega storage capacity and invisible shape.Today I found it here right now!
Mega storage system enough to retire your backpack!
NIID-FINO shoulder crossbody chest bag pack typically men's pack with digiatal storage and sling shape which are popular in north Ameriaca.Just one fabric,you can find everything your need in this bag.
There are feature three lining of interior. The first lining padded 7" ipad sleeve and long wallet within the main compartment.
I put one kindle,plump wellet and Anker mobile power in my FINO,and there're still space out there! Kindle is protected by interior quick-access min pocket.
The second lining's space can contained one Kindle PW approximately,as a suggestions,it's better for size like mobile power or Walkman,cause bottom lining's space is enough.
Mobile power and cable packed into the third lining that is smaller space,perfect for bus card storage.
Easy take off bag from your body by quick-release buckle and this sweet design can be found everywhere in FINO.
270g light weight design ,whether you wear it or not almost makes no difference .
There's no need to worry about my FINO bag getting wet due to the superior quality Eco-Poly water repellent material.
Night reflective ribbon,more sense of security,hanging earphone,sunglasses,etc.
New design YKK RC zipper with unique oval slot,keep sewing thread from overing friction effectively which enhance its longevity.
Just like picture shows it looks elegant!
NIID-FINO is available on now.Only $59.99!Click the picture below for purchasing!
FINO from NIID,a bag design brand in Virginia,USA. NIID also standed out with UNO,the world first interchangeable backpack for carry men's every-day essentials,unique design with one fabric,one zipper,one backpack.
FINO-put your life in perfect order!Let's take your style to the next level with the awesome NIID-FINO sling shoulder crossbody chest bag pack!